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Tue Dec 12th, 2023 @ 11:49am

Lieutenant Commander Rafael Montoya

Name Rafael Inigo Montoya

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 1/2 Human, 1/2 Deltan
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 225
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tall, Dark, and Handsome.

With the added allure from his Deltan side, ha has to be careful of his relations with women. A fact that has gotten his into trouble more than once.

Muscular and extremely fit; with penetrating, light brown eyes.


Spouse/Significant Other None
Children None
Father Martin Montoya - Human
Mother Liana Montoya - Deltan
Brother(s) Capt. Ricardo Estaban Montoya – USS Phoenix
Sister(s) Karmen Montoya

Personality & Traits

General Overview Like his brother, Ricardo, Rafael learned at an early age how to defend himself. His father said he would probably need those skills, and he was right. During his High School years, and even at the Academy, he had to defend himself. Mainly from jealous boyfriends and the like. Even though there was four year between the brothers Rafael was always included in his big brothers activities whenever possible

As he grew he played several sports, like his brother before him. Even before high school there were expectations and while he cared little for what others expected he wanted to excel on his own accord and surpass his brother where he could. There was never animosity between Rico and Raf as Rico was encouraging him every chance he got. Most of the time his brother had managed to get himself from San Francisco to make his bother competitions ..and catch up with friends and teammates. Not to mention show off his cadet uniform to all the ladies.

No sooner had Rico graduated from the Academy then it was Raf's turn to wow the folks at Star Fleet Academy, with many a question as to whether or not he was related to the Montoya that had recently graduated. Much to his mother's delight Rafael had decided to pursue a medical career and test for and was accepted into Starfleet Medical following his graduation from the Academy

Being only half Deltan he was not required to take the oath of celibacy, but was officially counseled by Starfleet to 'behave' himself.

In addition to the pheromones, Rafael is also touch empathic; giving him the ability to alleviate pain by physical contact.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Desire to help others
+ His personable nature
+ His ability to separate himself from a situation and look at multiple sides of an issue

- willing to bend the rules from time to time
- can be stubborn
Hobbies & Interests Running and Weight training.

He practices: Bujinkan, Kung Fu, and Tai chi chuan.

Enjoys Horseback riding, Climbing, Hiking, Camping, Scuba Diving, Dancing, and Candlelit Dinners.

Personal History During his time at the academy Raf excelled in his courses and established a tutoring session for any of his classmates that needed help, which didn't go unnoticed by his instructors, earning him a leadership commendation. However all wasn't smooth for Rafael during those years. Even though he had no shortage of possible partners; is athletic build and his Deltan heritage got him in hot water when he got into hot water when his behavior was called into question after being accused of inappropriate behavior with an officer working at the academy. While there had only been the typical initial stages of a relationship, the fact that she was an officer was enough to . Both received reprimands, and she was transferred, because they both “should have known better”.


Following the Academy Rafael was posted the Starfleet Medical to get his MD. All his life he had been interested in how the body worked and had never shied away from blood or gore. He would take an active part in help birth colt whenever some of the family's horses came due to deliver. Not to mention his terrible handwriting had earned him several comments on how he needed to be a doctor. Rafalel's big build and broad shoulders were out of place in his medical classes and he had the attentions of many His time at SF Medical was challenging, not because he was having difficulties but because he took on a heavy course load in order to learn as much as possible. After a time, several instructors counseled him that he needed to slow down. They all advised him that he could not only miss vital aspects in his attempt to do too much too fast, but that eventually his performance was going to start falling off as his body and mind could only be pushed so far. Once he backed off and was able to focus more on those subjects being presented, his class rank grew rapidly and he graduated 6th in his class.


Rafael's first posting was on the Intrepid class USS Apache. The Chief Medical officer, Dr. Emilia Jameson, a Betazoid, took him under her wing and showed him first hand that medicine was more than memorizing anatomy and techniques, but that one had to feel and to think outside of the box. Under her guidance he learned that medicine on a starship, while usually routine, can be extremely challenging. She taugh him that he needed to be able to treat his patients without the help of the technological gadgets and that he should consider the psychological benefits of his empathic abilities; that he was not just relieve pain but comforting those in his care.

Taking her teaching to heart he created a holodeck program, using the EMH's medical database, to create a program to challenge the medical staff with random scenarios where the subject had to solve the situation by using non-traditional medical techniques. As any particular subjects skills increased so did the difficulty. When he thought that it was ready he should it to Dr. Jameson. It needed some fine tuning but she incorporatedthe program into her staffs continuous learn program and put Rafael in for a commendation.

After two years aboard the Apache he was promoted to Lieutenant. His promotion party was even though limited to his friends was still a big affair. Eventually it wound down and after everyone had left Emilia was still there. They talk for hours about everything, for far he had progressed, things happening on the ship, his plans for the future, everything. As the night went on there was several awkward silences and Emilia thought it best that she call it a night. The both left the holodeck and he waled her to her quarters. They hugged but when they parted they parted slowly and hovered close nearly kissing but she stepped back putting ha hand on his check and said good night. The next day was a bit hesitant but they continued to work well together even though things got uncomfortable from time to time.

When he received orders transferring him to another assignment Emilia didn't show up for duty or to his farewell party. He didn't see her again until he stood on the transporter to beam over to his next assignment.


His adventures continued after he was transferred to the Akira class USS Gryphon. While on the Gryphon he tried to impress the CMO, Cmdr Richard Garza, with the program he created from the Apache but he was not impressed, at least not outwardly. Rafael learned quickly that the Gryphon's CMO was an self-aggrandizing asshat, that took credit for anything positive that happened within his department and pushed blame on others if anything went wrong. The others in sickbay had warned him the Garza had wormed his way into and maintained his good standing with the Captain and the XO, so complaints went nowhere and those that complained found themselves reassigned.

Nearly a year after joining the crew of the Gryphon he saw that his boss had published a paper on benefits of training medical personnel on the use of archaic medical techniques via a holographic training program. After throwing the padd across his quarters he went to sickbay and ripped the CMO up one side and down the other,directly accusing him of stealing his work to get himself published; in front of everyone. His program had been erased and replace by another with Garza as the 'instructor'.

Before he even calm down he was summoned to the Captain's ready room, where Cmdr Garza was smugly standing behind the Captain and security officers were waiting. He was charged with multiple counts given the opportunity to formally rescind his accusations or face charges. The after reading the statement he looked to the Captain and tossed it on his desk. “I will not be blackmailed Captain. Garza stole my work to get himself published and I can prove it. I will not retract one word said and, with all due respect Captain if you allow charge against me to proceed you will be the one to look like a fool.”

His comment to his captain almost landed him in the brig but when all the dust settled, Rafael was vindicated, thanks to Dr. Jameson and the computer records from the Apache. Further investigations revealed Garza's history of manipulation and he was court-martialed in disgrace.

Once the Gryphon got a new CMO things got a whole lot better.


When Rafael was assigned to Deep Space 4, near the Romulan boarder, he didn't know what to expect. The Stardock class station was huge with 2500 decks, and 10 auxiliary medical bays. Raf was put in charge of the auxiliary sickbays on deck 125...near “Marine country”. He quickly became friends with the Marines and found himself not only patching them up from time to time, but also being the cause of some of the reasons they needed to be patched up.

There were several new Romulan colonies established just across the border follow the destruction of Romulus and on several occasions Raf joined the medical teams assigned to aid the Romulan relocation and colonization efforts.

Through the Marine CO Rafael was brought into the inner circle of command officers on the station, participating in various gatherings and activities. It was here that Raf suggested, being an avid runner, that the station put on an annual marathon/half-marathon event as a way to boost fitness and create a little friendly competition. The run became an annual event drawing in participants from across the sector, much to the appreciation of the station's merchant's association.

In 2392 he was contacted by his brother to tell him he had volunteered for the Achilles mission, a mission that would take 70yrs to complete...he would never see his brother again. Much to his relief that particular mission was canceled but before it was his brother was his former aid no less...and was also promoted to Captain. Meeting his new sister-in-law over the comms, they all promised to plan a leave together.

About that same time Raf began a serious relationship with one of the Marines, 1st Lt. Allison Tuvan, whom he had gotten to know. For almost a year they had spared and played together. That year she invited him to accompany her to the Marine Corps' birthday ball. The ball started off with several Marine traditions but once to pomp and circumstance was over the party began. When they woke up together they smiled at each other. Even though they both had had plenty to drink, their night together wasn't a drunken mistake and they were together until her transfer in 2394.

Life on the slowly returned to normal following Allison transfer and they tried to keep things going long distance but as usually happens the communication got further and further apart until they stopped altogether.

In 2395 tragedy struck the station when a terrorist organization known as Humans First, a humans only group that was plaguing stations across the Federation, struck and detonated a bomb on the promenade killing over 20, including the stations CMO, and wound over 150 with the blast. Rafael was on the on promenade in one of the shops at the time and rushed, without hesitation, into the fray. Thanks to earlier training he was able to successfully triage and treat many of the wounded before emergency medical staff could arrive. Once they did, he took charge turning a large cafe into a triage center for the stabilization of wounded before transporting them to any of the station's medical facilities. For his action he was not only decorated but promoted to Lt. Commander and made the stations new Chief Medical Officer.

About 8 months after the promotion reassigned and once again would be traveling amongst the start


Reporting aboard the USS Horizon
Service Record 2379-2382 StarFleet Academy - Ensign
2382-2384 Starfleet Medical – LtJg (2383)
2384-2388 USS Apache – Intrepid Class – Medical Officer – Lt (2386)
2388-2391 USS Gryphon– Akira Class – Medical Officer
2391-2396 Deep Space 4 – Medical Officer/Chief Medical Officer – LtCmdr (2393)
2396-???? USS Horizon – Chief Medical Officer