EMH Mark IX - "Nina"

Name EMH Mark IX - "Nina"

Position Emergency Medical Hologram

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Hologram

Physical Appearance

Height 5ft 10in
Hair Color Strawberry Blonde / Red
Eye Color Lt. Green


Personality & Traits

General Overview The EMH Mark IX is a considerably more personable version than the original EMH developed by Dr. Zimmerman. With an expanded medical database, social interaction subroutines modeled after the EMH Mark 1 from the USS Voyager the Mark IX, commonly known as "Nina", by far the best EMH yet.
Strengths & Weaknesses ++ Programmed with over 5,000,000 possible treatments from the collective information of over 2,000 medical references and the experience of over 50 individual medical officers, as well has having adaptive programming for situations outside of those in their database, the EMH Mark IX is capable of handling almost any medical emergency, and is also very skilled in surgery.

-- The weakness of the program is just that - it is a program.
Ambitions As a hologram, it is not programmed with any ambitions, though it has been proven by the Voyager EMH that when left running for a long period of time, the program has the ability and develops the desire to grow beyond its original programming.
Hobbies & Interests As a hologram, it is not programmed with any hobbies, though her adaptive programming allows any EMH Mark IX to develop various hobbies and interests based on her interactions with the crew of the ship she is installed on.

Personal History The Emergency Medical Hologram or EMH is a sophisticated holographic program used Starfleet starships and facilities in the late 24th century to assist medical staff in times of emergency. The program whose formal name is EMH Program AK-1 Diagnostic and Surgical Subroutine Omega-323 was developed by Dr. Lewis Zimmerman on Jupiter Station.

EMHs are programmed with over five million possible treatments from the collective information of over 2000 medical references and the experience of at least 47 individual medical officers, as well has having adaptive programming for situations outside of those in their database. EMHs are only meant to be used a temporary measure to assist existing medical staff, or in extreme cases, to temporarily replace them a new doctor is assigned.

Work on the EMH program began as far back as 2360 and was conducted by Starfleet Medical, though information on it was known only to a few individuals. Zimmerman's initial proposal for an Emergency Medical Hologram was presented in 2365 to Dr. Beverly Crusher. By the time the holographic matrix was completed in 2370, it had to have official approval by Leonard McCoy.

The Mark I EMH was modelled on Dr. Zimmerman, in both its physical characteristics and personality. This was considered a flaw in the program's design by many Starfleet medical personnel, including Dr. Elizabeth Lense of the USS Lexington. Lense later came to appreciate the Mark I EMH's lack of simulated emotionalism.

Given these reactions, the Mark I was quickly replaced on many ships by newer versions. The existing Mark I EMHs were reprogrammed for more menial tasks, such as scrubbing plasma conduits and mining dilithium ore. Several Mark I EMHs continued to serve in their intended roles, including "The Doctor" of the USS Voyager and the EMH on the USS Equinox: both vessels being stranded in the Delta Quadrant, did not, of course, have access to upgraded versions. A Mark I EMH also remained on the USS Enterprise-E into 2379, as CMO Beverly Crusher preferred it to later versions.

The EMH Mark II was programmed with new physical characteristics and to be a much more polite and friendly individual. New starship classes such as the Prometheus-class were fitted with shipwide holographic projection systems so that EMHs could attend emergencies outside of sickbay. These systems however, were not later built-in or refitted-in to all active vessels in Starfleet, due to the massive power consumption required.

The EMH Mark III came into general use during the height of the Dominion War, and included stringent security protocols. It also featured an improvement of its personality subroutine over the previous models. However, following the end of the war, these security measures came to be viewed as a hindrance to effective caregiving.

The EMH Mark IV came into use in early 2376, replacing the Mark III.

The EMH Mark IX was online by 2380. This version is the first to be programmed with a female form, and can replicate herself as necessary. A Mark IX nicknamed "Nina" was active aboard the Enterprise in mid 2380, and the nickname has since become fairly common throughout Starfleet, a play on the numerical model number of the program. Although Doctor Crusher had previously mentioned that she had sworn to never use the EMH, the Mark IX was often used following heavy combat, especially during the Borg Invasion of 2381.