Ensign Carter Yates

Name Carter Yates

Position Science Officer

Second Position Medical Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human?
Age 195*

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 150 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description There's a lot going on behind Carter's green eyes, and the numerous medical scars hidden under his uniform tell some of the stories.


Father Darrik Yates (Deceased)
Mother Anna Mitchell (Deceased)
Brother(s) Unknown
Sister(s) Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Carter is jumpy, socially awkward and inept, and an all-around mess when it comes to social interactions. But he's a very competent officer, and when he's comfortable he can truly shine.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Quick to learn and pick up new information
+/- Able to hear the universe's "music"
-Very little social skills
-Can often cause himself discomfort eating too fast

Personal History Though outlawed in the Federation, Genetic manipulation is still practiced by some, including the El-Aurian scientist Doctor Micha Thoran. Operating from a secretive asteroid base deep in the Alpha quadrant, Micha performed genetic experiments on children he kidnapped at or shortly after birth.

These experiments were often considered “groundbreaking” by the doctor, but were heinous and many were fatal. One experiment, however, was considered a “resounding success”, resulting in a seemingly-human adult, with torturous mental abilities.

Carter Yates (though he has long forgotten his surname) is that experiment. Once human, he was kidnapped by Dr Thoran, posing as an obstetrician, merely hours after his birth. Once the Doctor had him at his asteroid base, he began testing on the boy, initially through simply manipulating his existing genetics, but as the boy reached adolescence, his experiments ramped up, greatly.

Originally wanting to see a human’s reaction to the passing of centuries, he spliced El-Aurian DNA into Carter’s own genome, before chaining the man up in a room of the facility. As Carter was allowed only a small time free to eat and drink once a day, he could count the days as they went by. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, months to years, years to decades. And Carter grew increasingly desperate for the Doctor to release him, as Carter was unable to interact with the universe, and could not fully grasp his abilities.

Instead, Micha ramped up the experiment, now including Betazoid DNA into the mix, giving Carter empathic abilities as well. By this point, mentally, Carter was broken. He wanted out, but could not fight, the emotional anguish of the other children threatening to overwhelm his untrained abilities.

Finally, nearly a century and a half after he was born, a passing Starfleet ship, that happened to have an El-Aurian Science officer aboard, investigated the asteroid, initially finding nothing. But at the insistence of the El-Aurian, they discovered Thoran’s work.

He was taken into custody, and the only surviving subject, Carter, was released, and, soon, attention from Starfleet and the Federation fell onto him. He was originally going to be confined to a psychiatric hospital for the foreseeable future, until he demonstrated his mental state was completely fine, by demonstrating one last ability granted to him by the Doctor, enhanced learning capabilities.

However, due to having been merely 15 when the experiments truly began and the lack of socialization and interaction with society, Carter has little to no social skills. He tends to wolf down food with little thought for being able to eat at his own pace. He’s very jumpy and startles easily, even with his empathic abilities. Due to the inclusion of the El-Aurian and Betazoid DNA, Carter often suffers from sensory overload, which he doesn’t know an appropriate way to alleviate.

Through careful training and practice, by the time he convinced Starfleet to allow him (a process that took nearly 45 years of near-constant learning and arguing his case), Carter has managed to at least somewhat control these new senses and abilities. It’s not easy, and he still has an occasional overload, but is mostly stable.

Partly due to his dedication to joining Starfleet and partly due to his being an unwitting subject to the genetic manipulation done to him, Carter was allowed to join Starfleet in 2390 but only if he could get 5 Starfleet officers of Captain or higher to sponsor him. Over his time fighting for his case, he had gotten to know quite a few and was able to–just barely–gather the 5 recommendations.

Due to his unique situation, despite his capacity for learning, Carter spent 6 years at the Academy. During this time, he was allowed to cross-train in Medical, giving him a unique dual-role capability.
Service Record 2390: Undergoes initial entrance-interview and testing for Starfleet Academy. Placed with half-Betazoid for help with empathic abilities prior to first day of classes in 2391.

2391: Begins classes at Starfleet Academy, initially in Science track. Struggles in social situations originally noted

2392: Shows aptitude for Medical Sciences as well, and begins to look into cross-training.

2393-2394: Finishes initial Science training. Opts to skip graduation ceremony to continue in cross-training for Medical

2395-2396: Completes final training in Medical.

2397: Assigned to the USS Horizon as dual-role Science and Medical officer