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Wed Jul 19th, 2023 @ 12:29am

Lieutenant Commander Jassuld Erro

Name Jassuld Erro M.D.-PhD

Position Second Officer

Second Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 45

Physical Appearance

Height 6’2”
Weight 184 lbs
Hair Color Sandy blonde
Eye Color Aqua Blue
Physical Description Jassuld stands a few inches over six feet tall, sandy blonde hair with just a few strands of gray streaks within his hair, the locks coming down to his mid neck. He often keeps a six o’clock shadow, rough to the touch. It’s a reminder for him of his days in the resistance, when he was a combat medic.

He is never seen without his contemporary earrings, a sign of his faith. They are represented by a series of studs and small hoops in his upper right ear.


Father Jassuld Yurrec
Mother Jassuld Owo
Other Family Siva Coda - Woman who helped raise Erro

Jira Revos- Combat Medic who trained Erro during the occupation.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Despite his past experiences Jassuld is perhaps best known for his professional attitude, dedication to others, and his gracious yet straightforward bedside manner. He works very hard to keep his mind open to the world around him and maintains a lifestyle based on complete wellness. This has often given many people the impression that he is an individual who is quite approachable.
Strengths & Weaknesses Jassuld is calm under pressure, can talk anyone into a corner, and is very intelligent. He is very loyal, almost fanatically so, and is compassionate to the point it is shown in his excellent bedside manner.

On the other hand the Doctor is known for having little patience with those those who simply want a quick fix rather than taking his medical advice. He’s been known to bring officers down a peg or two. Perhaps this demeanor comes from his time in the resistance.
Ambitions As he continues to advance in the peak of his career Dr. Jassuld would like to take on the challenges of command. He simply has not decided if that is in a medical capacity in a bigger role or in command of a ship.
Hobbies & Interests Jassuld enjoys studying rare diseases, especially man made germs and finding cures or antidotes for them. He’s also a fan of participating in ship led self defense classes and running various holonovel programs.

Personal History Born during the Cardassian Occupation in the year 2352, Jassuld Erro was hidden for as long as his parents could. His mother was a secretary and eventually forced comfort wife to a assistant interment camp director. His father was a resistance fighter and miner. Since his mother was taken as a comfort woman he was raised mostly by the other woman in the camp, to keep him safe. When Erro was about ten his father helped him escape the camp and then the young Bajoran joined the resistance cell and hideaway his father stayed with.

During his teenage years the growing Bajoran learned first aid and became a combat medic for his fellow cell members. Thankfully Jassuld was being tutored by an actual Bajoran who was a doctor before the war. Once the occupation ended in 2369 the now seventeen year old young man chose to relocate to the capital city and offer his services to those who were rebuilding and in need of medical service.

But the simple life of peace left an itch in Jassuld and he wanted to learn more about medicine. As luck would have it when a Denobulan Science Academy vessel visited Bajor to provide supplies Jassuld was able to beg that they take him and let him try to find his way and make it into their prestigious medical university. His knowledge and skills impressed the leader of the expedition to agree and he even sponsored his application to the university.

For the next eight years he studied on Denobula and found peace for himself, addressing the demons of the war that haunted him. Because he studied on Denobula he mostly avoided the Dominion War until the Breen attacked Denobula. This led Jassuld to reconsider where he could best be of use after his schooling. The new doctor then applied for Starfleet and was fast tracked through the academy thanks to already having his doctorate.

From there his adventures in Starfleet began.
Service Record 2362-2369: Serves as a combat medic in the Bajoran Resistance

2369-2370: Serves as a private healer on Bajor
2370-2378: Attends Denobula Medical University. Graduates as a MD.
2379-81: Attends Starfleet Academy, graduates in the top twenty percent of his class.

2381: Assigned to USS Yellowstone - Medical Officer; Lt. jg
2383: Cited for helping deal with mass casualty trauma, securing injured from Gorn during attack on ship.
2386: Starts remote coursework for PhD in biochemistry.

2387: Assigned to USS Nashville; promoted to Lieutenant
2388: Helps to design a biochemical and germ research facility on the Nashville
2388: Graduates with PhD from Starfleet Medical.
2390: Instructs Combat Medic Marines aboard the Nashville in field triage and combat as a medic.
2392: Promoted to Chief Surgeon on USS Nashville

2394: Assigned to USS Calypso - Promoted to Assistant Chief Medical Officer
2396: Publishes paper on cyclic neutropenia disorder tied to the Daliwakan people and proposes treatment.

2397: Assigned to USS Horizon as Chief Medical Officer and Second Officer. Promoted to Lieutenant Commander.