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Tue Dec 12th, 2023 @ 11:49am

Lieutenant Commander Vadok

Name Vadok

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 64

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 145lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Amber
Physical Description Vadok is an athletically built Vulcan with an olive complexion and wide shoulders. He walks with a warm confidence to him that despite the reputation of his people, makes him approachable and friendly.


Spouse/Significant Other N/A
Children N/A
Father Suran, Professor at the Vulcan Science Academy
Mother TJanna, Chemist and science officer aboard the USS Adonis
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Vadok is someone who knows and undserstands the value of teamwork and values the crew under him with integrity and respect. While at times he can seem stoic or distant, his actions tend to speak louder than his tone and inflection. Typical for his kind, Vadok is a gifted scientific mind that double majored at Starfleet and is working on his first doctorate in his spare time when not performing his duties on the Horizon.
Strengths & Weaknesses Vadoks attention to detail is often a double edged sword as it can cause him to hyperfixate on a problem or piece of research to the point of neglecting other duties and even his phsyical health.
Ambitions Vadok is looking to find a better work/life balance and perhaps meet a nice Vulcan woman to settle down with. Having said that he is working on first Doctorate and intends to have at least 3 in the next ten years.
Hobbies & Interests Vadok enjoys working with his hands and often finds tactile hobbies such as sculpting and puzzle solving good ways to pass the time. He has recently taken an interest in the Piano, and while many crew members have filed noise complaints he remained undeterred in mastering this instrument.

Personal History Vadoks childhood was fairly unremarkable until it came time to choose whether to join the VSA or Starfleet. Much to his fathers Chagrin, Vadok chose the latter and since that time the two have been enstranged. At the Academy however, Vadok excelled and was making fast friends with his fellow Cadets. Double Majoring in Xenoscience and Chemisty and minoring in Astrometrics, Vadok graduated top in his class and was commissioned before his feet could really hit the ground.

Before being assigned to the Horizon Vadok served for 12 years aboard the USS Agama, also known as "The Lucky Ship" due to its penchant for getting out of near disaster scenarios and for going a decade without personal loss of life in the line of duty, a fleet record.

Vadok served underneath a decorated Science officer in their own right, a human by the name of Doctor Nathaniel Durant who became a surrogate father and mentor figure to Vadok.

He rose through the ranks at a steady and impressive place, even serving double duty on the Agama as Dr.Durants second and as an Operations Officer. When the position on the Horizon had opened, Dr.Durant wrote a stellar letter of recommendation and insisted that Vadok take the position.
Service Record USS Agama
Assistant Chief Science Officer/ Operations Officer

USS Horizon
Chief Science Officer