Lieutenant JG Sean Roth

Name Sean Derrick Roth

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 185.4 cm
Weight 92.5 kg
Hair Color Blonde (Almost white)
Eye Color Ice Blue
Physical Description Slightly above average in build, his eye color is his most striking feature as it makes him look almost inhuman, the blue shade makes him striking in appearance along with the almost white blonde hair. Sean sports an armband tattoo on his left arm with numerous symbols of both Nordic and sever North American aboriginal tribes.


Spouse/Significant Other None (Unknown about past relations)
Children None
Father Lorne (Deceased)
Mother Mikaela (Deceased)
Sister(s) Erica
Other Family Numerous

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sean is normally an outgoing and some people call him an intriguing person who while being social and kind isn't known for being the most social at times, some of his more withdrawn characteristics have emerged in the last few years following the somewhat tragic civilian shuttle accident that claimed the life of his parents about two years ago, while the accident was deemed to be a total fluke Sean took the deaths hard and found himself attempting too find a way out of the normal routine of headquartered intelligence duties.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strong charismatic personality but has become slightly withdrawn in recent months and has a tendency to keep to himself at times.
Ambitions Sean wants too start by moving on from the chaos of his parents passing then see where being away from the main intelligence headquarters takes him.
Hobbies & Interests Sean is known to play hockey, on occasion hike.

Personal History Sean Roth was born in the western part of North America near the northern end of the range, he spent much of his younger years just being a kid, he never really grew up in a family that had any attachment to Starfleet, following a high school trip too the Starfleet history annex seeing several of the famous ships from history his dreams turned from success in the hockey rink too starships and alien planets.

Sean labored his way through the last year of school in an attempt to pass the entry exams, Sean was unsuccessful in his first attempt too enter the academy and he made an attempt to retake the exams four months later he redid the exams only too succeed,

During his first year at the academy he found the culture shock of being among many nonhuman species compared too the few Vulcans and one Andorian family he'd encountered during his youth. It was both a welcome change and an eye opening event for him. Many of the non-human species were stunned at many of his unusual features he possessed.

During a optional session for his history classes he met a mysterious Intel officer who offered him a job with intelligence when he graduated, it did mean transferring programs. Sean found himself almost like he'd found his future,

Sean still found time to play hockey, even getting an impromptu game or two going at a nearby arena, over time and with some coaxing he managed to get several of the non-human participants on skates which proved to be humorous to anyone viewing.

After graduating from the academy he found himself working at intelligence headquarters in one of the many desks attempting to unravel the numerous factions that make up the Romulans these days.

In the late part of 2396 Sean's life took an unexpected turn as his parents were killed in a civilian shuttle accident while on their way home from a trip back from the New Berlin colony. Sean took the loss hard and even with his best efforts he struggled too get his traction, he asked too be transferred too field operations and intelligence, his superiors agreed too his request.
Service Record 2392 to 2395 Starfleet academy - Intelligence specialty
2395 to present Starfleet Intelligence Romulan analytics and studies. Transfer requested to Field assignments pending.