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Meeting Lieutenant Rolek'klaz

Posted on Thu Sep 7th, 2023 @ 10:13am by Commander Sernia Logan & Lieutenant Rolek'klaz

1,116 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Untested
Location: Chief Tactical and Security's office
Timeline: After "Meeting the Captain of the USS Horizon"

Once she got done seeing the captain, she was heading to her new office. She then tapped her combadge.

=/\= Lieutenant Rolek'klaz, please report to my office. I'd like to meet with you and see what the ship's status is. It is something that I would find rather intriguing. =/\= She then tapped her combadge off.

The Lieutenant was sitting his quarters finishing up the status reports that he had been working on for the Commander. He knew the Captain would give her a ship-wide report, but he knew that he was responsible for the department report. However, he knew to give her both.

Rolek'Klaz had read his the file of his new boss. At least anything that wasn't above his clearance level. But the fact that she was Bajoran concerned him because he was a Jem'Hadar. The war had ended 22 years prior, but there was still lots of bad blood. He had been mostly lucky on the Horizon, but there was the concern of that changing since his new boss was essentially the victim of his old faction's aggressiveness.

He tapped his badge after the call came in. =/\= I am on my way sir =/\= the Jem'Hadar reported as he grabbed his reports and left his quarters en-route to to the Commander's office.

After she got word back from the young Jem'Hadar, she was a little concerned about how she is going to react towards her. She did also realize that the war had ended 22 years prior till now and she knows that she wouldn't do anything that would cause any issue between her and the young Jem'Hadar. Although, she is sitting there and sighs not smiling. Due to the fact that the bad blood between the two has been rather unsettling.

The Lieutenant finally approached the Commander's office and tapped the chime button before putting his arms behind his back, awaiting the order to enter.

"Enter!" She said from her office chair. Surprisingly, having someone under her command in security is different. Not realizing how it would feel to see someone like the Lieutenant. But she knows that he and her will do their best without *killing* each other.

The Jem'Hadar sighed quickly, hoping he was prepared enough. He entered the office and approached his superior's desk and snapped to attention. "Lieutenant Rolek'klaz reporting as ordered sir!"

"At ease Lieutenant. I hear you know the Horizon well enough. Yes? Look I just thought I'd like to clear things up. There's nothing going to be any trouble with me being your superior officer of Tactical and Security, do you? I hope not cause, I wasn't even aware that my people and your people were enemies until my people told me. I know it must be difficult to have a Bajorian as your superior. But I know we can work things out and not allow the times of the Dominion War to get in the way of our work relationship. Don't you agree Lieutenant?" She asked her junior officer.

He didn't exactly like to dwell on the Dominion. "I've known the Horizon for a few years so I know my way around sir. But respectfully ma'am, I don't like to dwell on the Dominion. I might be a Jem'Hadar, but I'm not apart of the Dominion, rather the faction that separated and Starfleet. In fairness, if you have no grudges or to be blunt, hatred towards me, I think we could work quite well together" Klaz shook his head. "I'm not the Dominion sir" he repeated.

"I know Lieutenant. I just thought I'd get that out of the way because you know I wanted you to know I'm not one of those people that would ever hurt you. I don't have grudges or to be blunt, or even hatred. I don't. We can work really well together myself. Anyways, I've read your record here and it says you've been on the Horizon for a few years like you said. But I'd like to know you a little more. You know like base of operations." She said as she tried to explain things.

"Well Commander, long story short, I was born and raised on a colony that was initially part of the Dominion. However, most of my people didn't want any part of the war and so, we defected from the Dominion. It was a long and hard few battles but we emerged victorious and we even have our own fleet. I served for a while in my colony's navy before a Starfleet ship made first contact with us. I decided that I wanted to be in Starfleet where there would be less battles and killing. I went with the Starflleet crew back to Earth, where the Captain sponsored me to attend Starfleet Academy" he began.

Rolek continued. "I then served on the USS Saratoga for about 5 years before transferring to the Horizon" he said hoping he answered the Commander's request.

"Well that helps me understand your military service. I must say. I'm happy to have you here and hopefully help me through the times I might need you on my side.

The Jem'Hadar nodded. "And I'll be there sir" he said simply.

"I'm glad that we are on the same page. I trust that your experience is highly qualified to do anything I can do. And I believe in you. In my book. I never lose faith in the officers in my department. And I won't lose faith in you." She said.

A small smile grew on the officer's face before returning to his usual expression. "Thank you ma'am. I won't let you down." After a few moments he remembered something. "That reminds me ma'am, I have these status reports for you. One of the, is for the department and the other is for the ship" he said, extending the reports towards Commander Logan.

"Thank you Lieutenant." She looks through the one with the deparment. "Interesting for the department." She added. She then looked at the one for the ship. "Even more interesting. Has the captain seen these?" She asked.

"I figured that he would give you a report for the ship. However, since I was the acting department head until you came aboard I sent him a copy of both regardless."

"Okay good work Lieutenant. Is there anything else I need to know about you or not?" She asked.

"Everything in my record for the most part is everything that needs to be known about me sir" he answered honestly.

"Good man. Alright I'll let you get back to the bridge I'll be there in a few." She said.

The Jem'Hadar nodded. "Aye Commander" he said before he left the Commander's office.

She smiled as he took off.


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