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Sound Advice

Posted on Mon Sep 18th, 2023 @ 5:56am by Commander Ashlynn Regan & Lieutenant Rolek'klaz

989 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Untested
Location: Officer's Lounge
Timeline: Current

After speaking with Sernia, Rolek'Klaz returned to the officer's lounge for a much needed drink. There wasn't anything wrong in his mind about her confession, he just needed a drink to think everything over at first. The lounge was fairly empty for the time that it was. In fairness the ship wasn't at a fully crew complement yet. The Jem'Hadar strolled into the lounge looking around. Since it was pretty empty there were only a few officers and thus plenty of places to sit. Before anything, Rolek moved over to the replicator and ordered a hot Raktajino. After the drink appeared he took it and found a couch near the back of the lounge, which had a coffee table in front of it and on the other side of the table was an arm chair. He took a seat on the couch and took a sip of his drink and scrolled though his personal PADD which he had picked up from his quarters after leaving Sernia's.

Commander Ashlynn Regan walked down the corridor leading to the officer's lounge in her off duty attire. She was tired and needed a drink after a busy day, especially since her department was severely understaffed, just as most of the other departments were. Her and James were planning on having dinner in their quarters, but like Ash, James was working late and thus, he would be a while giving Ash some time to kill before then.

She entered the lounge, not seeing many people. Making another glance around the lounge she spotted Lieutenant Rolek'Klaz sitting alone in the back of the lounge who seemed somewhat distracted. This was unusual to see since the Lieutenant was laser focused on everything most of the time.

Ash approached the Jem'Hadar and spoke up. "Hey Lieutenant, is everything alright?'

Seeing the Commander, Rolek stood up quickly at attention as Commander Regan was a senior officer. "Apologies Commander, I did not see your there."

Ash chuckled. "As you were were Mister Klaz. It's alright, I'm off duty right now."

Rolek relaxed as he sat back down and looked up at the science officer. "To answer your question, I am just a little distracted Commander" he trailed off before speaking again. "Not that it will affect my duties or anything ma'am."

She smiled. "You're a fine officer and the Captain would agree. But it is rare to see you distracted. Anything on your mind, if you don't mind me asking?"

"There is actually" he paused before realizing the Ash could actually help him a little bit. "Actually Commander, do you think I could get some advice?"

She smiled. "One of my specialties depending on the subject" she began. "Mind if I sit down?"

Rolek replied, "Of course Commander."

Ash sat down across from the Jem'Hadar. "What seems to be the matter?"

"Well, I- erm, sorry. It is a little hard to put into words for me."

Ash gave a reassuring smile. "It's alright, take your time."

After a few minutes he spoke again. "Do you know Commander Logan?"

"Not directly yet, but I do know she just transferred really recently" she replied. "I know she is a Bajoran. Are there any issues because of the Dominion War?"

He shook his head. "No, and it is actually the opposite. She has expressed feelings for me."

This took her by surprise for a moment not really expecting that. "I take it that took you by surprise, since she just came aboard and all?"

"Yes. I'm not even sure if I told her the correct statement"

Ash replied, "What did you say? More importantly, were you honest?"

"Of course I was. I told her that I was not ready for any kind of relationship since I have never been in one, let alone with a Bajoran. I also told the Commander that I would let her know when I know 'where my head is at', as the human saying goes" he sighed. "Did I do the correct thing Commander?"

Ash thought for a moment to come up with an honest response. "I think you did Rolek. You told her the truth. That's one of the most important things in this situation."

Ash continued. "Do you feel the same way?"

"Honestly Commander, I am unsure. I mean she seems nice and all, but like I said I also don't know her. But that doesn't mean I don't want to get to know her because in all honestly I do. She seems interesting, especially if she is interested in a Jem'Hadar of all people" he chuckled before becoming serious again. "There isn't technically anything wrong with that of course depending on the context."

"Mister Klaz did you just make a joke?" Ash smiled, suprised at the remark.

"I did. We Jem'Hadar are no Vulcans as you know. We like to crack the occasional joke. But because of our devotion to duty it is rare."

Ash smiled. "That does make sense"

The two fell silent for a few moments. Rolek had considered asking her how it was for her and James but he decided against it since their situation while similar, was very different from his and Sernia's.

Soon after Ash looked at her PADD and noted the time. "I hate to cut this short but I have to get back. I have a date" she smiled as she rose up. "Is there anything else?"

He leaned back in his seat. "Not at the moment Commander."

"Understood. I wish you luck. If you ever need any advice or help with what to do in this situation, the Captain and I are always there to help" Ash said before starting towards the exit.

Rolek'klaz called out a little bit before she left. "Commander?"

"Yes Lieutenant?"

"Thank you for the advice"

"You're welcome Lieutenant" Ash replied to the Jem'Hadar before leaving.

Rolek sat there for a while, scrolling through his PADD before leaving some time later.


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