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Coming Home

Posted on Thu Mar 16th, 2023 @ 11:01am by Captain James Phoenix & Commander Ashlynn Regan
Edited on on Fri Oct 20th, 2023 @ 4:59pm

1,684 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Untested
Location: USS Horizon
Timeline: Current


[Andoria Prime Shipyard]

All that could be heard in the cockpit of the USS Detmer was the ambient noise from the control panels around Captain Phoenix, and the sound of the stars speeding past like they were late for work. The sight of space during warp never got old. The was a beep at the console. James looked over at it. The Flyer Class was five minutes away from Andoria Prime.

Even though he was on Earth and the Horizon wasn't in deep space, the timing of everything and his temporary position kept him in limited in-person contact with his crew, including Ash. To say he missed his significant other was a large understatement. While they weren't apart for the length that they were in stasis for, others would consider the three months that Phoenix was gone this time around an eternity.

His eyes began to become heavy and he dozed off for the remainder of the flight, only to be awaken by the sound of a console that was alerting him that they were 30 seconds away from the system. He lightly slapped the drowsiness out of his face and began the required preparations to drop out of warp. After he tapped a few buttons the Flyer Class runabout slowed to impulse power, about 500,000 kilometers from the Andoria Prime Shipyards. He was in communications range so he opened a comm link.

"Andoria Prime Yard, this is the Runabout Detmer, requesting a course to the USS Horizon" James called out.

"Detmer, this is control, course approved to the Horizon located in dry dock 15" called an officer on the other end.

"Affirm control, thank you very much, Detmer out" Phoenix closed the channel as he began to fly the shuttle into her given route towards the Horizon.

Once the Detmer was in the correct space lane, Phoenix dropped the ship to a quarter impulse power to maintain the speed regulations in the lanes. Once he was on his way towards the Horizon, he flew past various other vessels in different stages of repairs, refits, or construction. This was a sight that would never get old for anyone, including James.

The Detmer was close to dry dock 15, where the Horizon was laid up. James pressed a button on the console in front of him to open a comm channel between the Detmer and the Horizon.

"Horizon, this is the Runabout Detmer, requesting approach and landing clearance for shuttlebay three" The Captain called out.

The shuttlebay manager on the other end recognized the voice. "Requested approved. Welcome back" he made a quick pause and turned to a few other crew members in the room. "Captain Phoenix" the manager finished and watched as every one of his other crewmen in the room froze in their tracks.

"Thank you Horizon, Phoenix out" he began to fly the Detmer slowly on approach to the Horizon's smallest bay which was located on the rear of the secondary hull of the Century Class Explorer.

He switch to maneuvering thrusters. Just like their prototypes that served on the original USS Voyager, the Intrepid class, the Flyer Class was very fast and thus, Captain Phoenix didn't want to end up damaging the Horizon, risking his life for something avoidable, or anything worse. After all he didn't come from a flight control background.

Soon enough he maneuvered into the shuttlebay and carefully landed the Detmer in between the Apollo and the Artemis, the two other Flyer Classes based on the Horizon.

After shutting down all of systems on the runabout for the day, Phoenix collected his belongings and exited the shuttle before completing a quick walkaround of the Detmer. Then after making a quick stop in the shuttlebay control room to give the bay manager the information for the Detmer, he headed to the bridge.

[Main Bridge, USS Horizon]

James stood in the lift contemplating the long journey there. He had been traveling for a while and needless to say he was exhausted. His tired eyes were proof of that. He was just glad to be home. Finally, the lift came to a halt and the doors slid open to reveal the bridge which was current occupied by the night shift, or Gamma shift.

He quietly strolled onto the bridge and turned his head around to look around the place. Not much had changed. Everything was pretty much how he had left it just a few months ago shortly before he was recalled to Earth. His goal by looking around the bridge wasn't just to reminisce about his command, he was looking for Lieutenant Murphy, the night shift commanding officer for the day.

James didn't quite understand the scale of how tired he actually was, because he jumped when Murphy called out, "Captain on the bridge!"

As everyone was now at attention, he was now a little more awake and gave a quick stink-eye to a few junior officers who were having a little bit of a difficulty containing their laughter at the Captain being startled. He looked around the room tiredly. "As you were" he said loud enough so everyone could here while he was trying not to be too groggy.

As everyone returned to their normal positions, the Captain rubbed his eyes and turned to Lieutenant Murphy. "Lieutenant, what is our current status?"

"The refit is on schedule sir. Most of the updates were to our computers and smaller systems and they are being tested before we get back out into space. That is the gist of it sir. This PADD has everything in depth of what has been completed so far and what still needs to be done" he handed one of two PADDs to Phoenix that were on the Lieutenant's console.

Murphy held up the second PADD. "Commander Regan already put the command transfer information on this PADD since she isn't on the bridge to audibly transfer the codes and she wanted to make sure you got back safe before you re-assumed command. If you could place your hand here sir?"

James nodded and placed his hand on the PADD to transfer the codes back to himself. A small smile grew on his face because of Ash's decision to wait for him and the fact that he could see her in person again because he was back 'home'.

He looked back at the Lieutenant. "Is there anything else you have for me?"

"No sir."

"Very well" he paused to let out a small yawn. "In that case, I am going to return to my quarters as I am dead tired and I would prefer not to pass out in the middle of my bridge" he smirked.

"Understood captain" Murphy watched the Captain retreat back to the lift in which he entered the bridge from. "Oh and Captain?"

"Yes Lieutenant?"

"Welcome back sir."

"Thank you Lieutenant" James yawned again as the door shut in front of him.

"Deck Two" he called out to the computer. Moments later, the lift began to move down.

[Phoenix and Regan's Quarters]

James finally strolled up to the door to his quarters. He sighed. It wasn't a negative one however. He was just glad to be home. The Captain tapped a few buttons on the control panel next to the door to open it.

The doors slid open to reveal the darkness of the room with the lights completely off. The room was nearly pitch black. He entered the room and quickly tapped a few buttons on the control panel for the room lights. Just then, the red light was activated. This way, he could see without waking Ash.

He turned around only to notice that Ash hadn't made it to their bed as she was out cold on the couch, still wearing her uniform. Looks like he wasn't the only one who had a long day. A light smile appeared on his face before he moved to the chair in the corner of the room and took off the duffel bad from around his shoulder and set it down on the chair as well as his other belongings that came home with him. He'd unpack everything in the morning before Alpha Shift.

After that he entered the bedroom and yanked off the large comforter that was situated nicely on it. He also took one of the pillows that was also leaning against the headboard.

He left the bedroom and moved over to the couch with the bedding in hand. He didn't want to wake his girlfriend. so he carefully lifted her head slightly and placed the pillow under it so she wasn't using her arm as a pillow. He lowered her head slowly again and then pulled the blanket over her so she wouldn't be too cold. He then leaned over her and planted a small kiss on her cheek.

James returned to the bedroom and acquired another pillow for himself and then opened a closet and pulled out another blanket and set them on the bed temporarily. He quickly pulled off his entire uniform. He quickly changed into a black tank top and threw on a pair of grey sweat pants. He picked up the bedding he had acquired and dragged it out to the main room. He threw the pillow onto the ground between the couch and the coffee table next to it. He did this so he could be next to Ash when she woke up the next morning. After that he moved back to the light control panel and deactivated the red light. Then, he carefully stepped back towards the couch and coffee table. He then laid down on the ground and rested his head on the pillow before covering himself with his blanket. He fell asleep almost instantly. Needless to say he too was out cold.


Captain James Phoenix
Commanding Officer
USS Horizon NCC-88003

Commander Ashlynn Regan (NPC)
Chief Science Officer
USS Horizon NCC-88003

Lieutenant Junior Grade Vincent Murphy (NPC)
Gamma Shift Commanding Officer and Operations Officer
USS Horizon NCC-88003


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