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On Parole

Posted on Sat Oct 21st, 2023 @ 12:32am by Lieutenant Commander Devin Hadenbeer & Commander Sernia Logan

712 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Untested
Location: CTO's Office

Devin sometimes thought she could feel the subcutaneous transponder but the fact was it was implanted while she was unconscious. It was somewhere in her body and any attempt on her part to search for it would be red flagged. The only reason why she knew it existed was the test in Sickbay back at the penal facility.

Of course, she thought, they could have been faking it. But somehow she knew they hadn't.

Perhaps her "borrowing" the runabout had been a test to see what the powers that be would do. It was foolish, in retrospect, but it had been the first time in a year she had been off planet and she had felt...restless. Well, it was possible she was going to pay for that little stunt now.

She was told to report to the Chief of Security within twenty four hours of leaving Earth. Devin stood outside the woman's officer, feeling like a disgraced midshipman. She hesitated, then pressed the door chime...

Sernia then heard her chime go off and she wondered who it was. She then responded. "Enter." She said while she was sitting at her desk.

The doors swooshed open and Devin strolled in. She approached the desk and said, "Devin Hadenbeer, Chief Operations Officer. We did not have an opportunity to speak earlier on the bridge."

She held out a small padd to the Commander, "I was told to report to you regarding certain security measures, namely my subcutaneous transponder."

Sernia then grabbed the pads from her. "What's going on with the subcutaneous transponder?" She asked.

"Ah," Devin reached up and rubbed her left ear lobe, "Well, you see, you could say I am serving out eighteen more years of a twenty year sentence."

The padd showed Devin's service record, up to an including her captaincy, then a sixteen year gap, then a sentencing of "conduct unbecoming an officer".

"I am under the impression Admiral Janeway wants to know where I am at all times. I did the same thing with a cat I used to co-habitate with."

"Well you have came to the right person." As she was looking at her service record. "Conduct unbecoming an officer? What kind of sentence is this?" She asked.

Devin winced, "Well, the only part of that which is not classified is the officer part. I am certain the captain has clearance, it is up to him to divulge any details he deems necessary. I can say there were no deaths involved," she pause, then amended, "Well, my pride was mortally wounded..."

"I do agree with that. Alright. I can try and work with you on something." As she started to blush a little not knowing what is going on with inside her head.

"Well, as far as I know I am only supposed to make you aware of the transponder. Report in, as it were. It would be quite difficult for me to do my job if I were confined to quarters while off duty."

Devin cocked her head, "Then again, the captain could order that. I suppose I am going to have to suppress my natural impulse to defy authority and show due deference."

"That can work. If it'll work out with the captain."

Devin was not entirely sure where the conversation was going. The Commander was not being threatening, was not being unfriendly. And yet...Devin was not feeling at all reassured. It was an uncomfortable sensation, not being quite certain of the ground one stood on.

"Well," she finally said, "This was a good talk, Commander..." she let the sentence hang to see if the woman would at least give up her name. Devin bet she was awesome at poker, or whatever game Bajorans liked to play...

"Well if you want to uh hang out or something later after our shakedown cruise we can."

"Ah, all right," Devin replied. She realized she would have to socialize, at least with the senior officers. She was woefully out of practice on that score. Her circle of friends had shrunk so much you could have used a diagram of a helium atom to illustrate her circle of friends.

Nodding, she left the Commander's office, realizing halfway down the corridor the woman still hadn't given her name...



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