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Posted on Wed Sep 6th, 2023 @ 12:29pm by Lieutenant Commander Richell Sorenson & Lieutenant Commander Jassuld Erro M.D.-PhD
Edited on on Wed Sep 6th, 2023 @ 12:37pm

596 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Untested
Location: Sickbay, USS Horizon

Doctor Jassuld was taking the time to examine his sick bay while waiting for the arrival of the ship's Chief Engineer. Compared to previous service this medical facility was something that left a small smile on his face thanks to the up-to-date technology it incorporated. He was quite pleased with the holographic display system that would allow him to show a patient exactly what was going on with their body right on the fly instead of having to simply rely on a tricorder readout.

But there was work that still needed to be done. He had brought with him different creatures that he used in natural medicine for healing patients as well as some of his research which required the strictest bio-hazard containment. For now, all of the animals and research were under quarantine. But what he needed was structural facilities set up for them in the medical lab next to the sickbay itself.

Waiting in his office, Erro decided he would catch up on the reports of the ship and its progress with the shipyard engineers who were finishing getting her ready. He had to balance his work between being a Doctor and the ship's Second Officer. The doctor only hoped that the Chief Engineer didn't think this was a summons for a medical exam and would push off the meeting.

Richelle tossed Chilly in his traveling case and grabbed her tool kit and headed for sickbay first. She was going to check in with the doc and introduce Chilly as well. One never knew if the doctor was an animal person or not and she wanted no surprises along the way.

Walking into sickbay, she saw Dr. Erro, " Hi doc, thought it prudent to stop by and introduce you to my service bird Chilly. Hope you don't mind," Richelle said smiling.

The Bajoran looked up from the monitor that he was reading as he heard someone call out to him in greeting. His blue-green eyes came face to face with the Betazoid Chief Engineer he had been waiting on and surprisingly a bird as well. "Please come in Commander." he offered as he motioned to one of the two chairs that sat in front of his desk.

"I have to admit, I read that you had a service animal but I wasn't expecting it to be a bird. That's quite the unusual choice." he stated as he looked the small creature over.

"Well, Chilly is more than just a service/companion bird. He helped to keep me centered in emotional trauma. He helps to reinforce my mental abilities, especially my empathy. He rescues me in extreme emotional onslaughts when they are suddenly projected outwardly," Richelle said, as Chilly slowly came out of his travel bag and sat on her shoulder. She could feel his apprehension as he felt out the doctor.

Suddenly realizing what Chilly was sensing, made Richelle turn around and headed for the door. "Um Doc, I just realized I have an important meeting with the Chief of Security. I will return later. Thankyou for your time," she said, grabbing Chilly as she go flew out of sickbay. Looking at Chilly"You son of a.....,you felt it before I did. Well you and I will keep it locked away, is that understood?" she said looking at Chilly who looked her dead in the face and projected the affirmative answer.

It was an unsettling feeling which troubled her, but, regardless of what happened, life and work goes on. Continuing to engineering, Richelle started to hum a little tune to relax her mind.


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