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Meeting the Captain on the USS Horizon

Posted on Sat Sep 16th, 2023 @ 8:09pm by Captain James Phoenix & Commander Sernia Logan

2,843 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Untested
Location: Transporter Room
Timeline: Current

As the commander just got assigned to the USS Horizon, she saw the captain standing there in the transporter room awaiting her arrival. Shortly after she was beamed aboard from another vessel for her transfer from Spacedock to the Horizon. Sernia was very pleased to see that she was working two positions on the Horizon. The Second Officer is next in line and let alone she is also the Chief Tactical and Security Officer on the Horizon. She was very pleased to be on board the Horizon with the love of her life that she'd someday meet. Hopefully someone on board the Horizon. Although, with her being new to the ship she stood there at attention to the captain and then later said. "Commander Sernia Logan reporting for duty Captain." She knew that it was the right thing to say to the captain.

While standing there at attention, she just thought about the junior officer that she has in her department. She's completely unsure what her junior officer would think about having the commander in command of Chief Tactical and Security on board the Horizon, although, she might want to meet him once she gets settled into her new office.

James stood in front of the transporter controls in a parade rest-like stance. He noted Commander Logan's ridges. He didn't forget that she was a Bajoran, but he remembered that there could be a potential conflict of interest with Lieutenant Rolek'klaz since he was a Jem'Hadar and she was a Bajoran. However, he knew that everything would be alright. Hopefully.

"As you were Commander" Phoenix said to his new Security Chief. He extended his hand and smiled. "Welcome to the Horizon."

"Thank you, captain. I appreciate it. It's nice to be here. She's beautiful. As your Chief Tactical Officer and Security, and your Second officer, I'll do my best to keep this ship going." She said.

"She sure is a fine ship" James smiled before continuing. "It's good to have you aboard" he said before motioning to the door to the transporter room. "Care for a tour of the mighty Horizon?"

"Yes sir. That sounds great sir. Sir. If I may say so myself. I'm glad that I'm here." She said.

"So am I. Especially now" he began as the two began to walk out of the transporter room. "It's been quite the rush to get the Horizon ready for her post-upgrade shakedown cruise. I'm glad I have a new Second Officer to help with the load" he continued before remembering something. "Speaking of which, I hope your transfer wasn't too sudden. Our old one received a sudden transfer to a more prestigious assignment and with the lack of crew, it has been all hands on deck here on the Horizon."

"Well, sir, it was a little sudden. I was stationed on a starbase about 2 lightyears away as I knew that the Horizon needed a new second officer and Chief Tactical and Security officer. Starfleet told me and I was like 'oh okay so I'm being transferred to a ship I'm not familiar with.' But I know that this was a good choice for Starfleet to put me." She explained.

Phoenix smiled. "Fair enough. Personally, I think the Horizon is a good choice, but I might be biased since I'm the Captain" he chuckled. "Would you like to go to the security complex first, since it's the closest?"

"Yes sir. Since I am the Chief Tactical and Security officer on board the Horizon sir."

"Very well" he nodded as he led the Security Chief to the complex. "So, please tell me about yourself Commander. I have read your file but I'd like to hear it in your own words if that's alright with you?"

"Well sir. I've grown up being apart of starfleet. My parents were in starfleet both as chief of security officers on two different vessels. They have asked me to join Starfleet and here I am a chief of security and tactical officer as well as being your second in command sir."

Turning the corner, James responded. "I also hear that you served in the Bajoran Militia?"

"Yes I was sir. I was also stationed on DS9 during the dominion war sir." She said.

He slowed down a little bit and looked at her. She had seen some serious action during the war if she was stationed at DS9 under Sisko's command. That reminded him of something he wanted to address, sooner or later. "Commander respecfully, will there be any issues with you and your assistant department head, since he is a Jem'Hadar?"

"No sir. I'm actually fine with a Jem'Hadar as my assistant department head. I'm sure there might be some bad blood between the Bajoran's and the Jem'Hadar. But I assure you it won't affect our work relationship sir." She said.

James let out an internal sigh of relief. "That's good to hear. Lieutenant Rolek'Klaz is a fine officer. I have my full confidence in him as well as you" he said as the were nearing closer to the security complex.

"Well I know that he'll be able to work hard and be able to give me any sort of report that I'll give to you sir. You can count on me." She said. "So this is the Security Complex?" She asked.

The CO smiled. "That's good to hear." he said as they approached the main door. "Here we are" he motioned towards the door. "After you Commander."

"Yes sir." She said as she was smiling going into the room.

James followed his 2XO into the large complex which was complete with firing ranges, an armory, tactical consoles, as well as various training equipment. There were only a few other people in the room and thus it was perfect for a tour.

"It's very similar to the ones on the Intrepid and Pathfinder classes. But it's one of the best ship-board security complex in the fleet. When these ships were first commissioned my junior security officer self would have loved to serve on one of these" Phoenix said.

"Nice. This will do just fine for me sir. I appreciate it." She said.

He smiled. "I'm glad to hear it. Would you like to see the bridge next?"

"Yes sir. Just so that way I know where my station is located." She said.

"Very well" James said. "Right this way" he said before starting out of the room and down the corridor.

"Yes sir." She followed him and noticed how beautiful the lights are.

"I gotta admit, Starfleet really outdid themselves with this one. The Horizon is capable of long periods of deep space exploration and has a smaller crew complement which allows for more room for the crew. All while being smaller than an Odyssey and the same general size as a Sovereign" he said as they approached the turbolift.

"Interesting. Well I like that." She said.

He followed Commander Logan into the turbo-lift. "Bridge" he called out before the lift began to move upward.

"So we are going to the bridge?" She asked.

He simply nodded as the lift neared deck one. James smiled. "Hope you are prepared for what you are about to see."

"Yes sir. I am." She said.

Phoenix didn't respond, rather he adjusted his stance as the turbolift slowed down. After a second, the doors slid open to reveal the bridge in a moderate level of traffic. Crewmen stood working at various positions trying to dial them in. Any day now they would be launching and he was proud at the effort his crew was putting forth. It was still the same bridge as before but every time he stepped onto the bridge, there was something special about it. Something he couldn't really explain.

The bridge itself had three command chairs in the middle, located just behind a platform that extended the 'circle' that the command chairs were located on. The platform had a big United Federation of Planets flag on it that was arguably the best part for many. In front of the platform, two steps down, was the helm station and the operations/navigation station. Behind the command seats there was a tactical console that seated two officers. It could usually be configured to two security and tactical officers, but James typically had the Strat Ops officer cover the other console.

On the port and starboard side of the bridge the bulkhead console configuration mirrored the opposing side. There were two consoles that faced each other and were located on the edge of the 'command circle'. On the Horizon, these stations were reserved for science and engineering.

The two officers had just stepped onto the bridge. He gave Sernia a few moments to take it all in.

She looked at the bridge and was super happy to see where she'll be working at but the bridge was something that she wanted to see the most right away. "Sir. She's even more beautiful in here." She said.

"That she is" he smiled.

She smiled back. "Where's my station?" She asked.

James motioned to just behind the command circle. "The console behind the command chairs. It is typically manned by two officers. Most times it is one strat ops officer and one tactical and security officer. In times of heavy battle should the time come, we can configure to two tactical stations to take the load off of the tactical officer."

"So your telling me this can be a load out for my junior officer for tactical and security team?" She said with a smile then realizing that it might actually help her out. Even her team.

"Yup. At least in times of battle when we don't have a Strategic Operations Officer present on the bridge. Out of heavy combat, the second side is usually staffed by a Strat Ops Officer."

"Nice sir." She said. "uh also I'd like to discuss to you about something in private after to tour. If you're okay with that sir." She added

"Of course Commander. As a matter of fact, since we are on the bridge near my ready room, are you willing to discuss it now? If not that is alright. I believe all we have left for the 'main attractions' is main engineering."

"Yeah I'm down talking to you right now before we continue on the tour sir." She said.

"Very well Commander please follow me" he said before walking into the ready room.

"Yes sir." As she said sort of smiling and kind of worried. " Sir. Permission to speak freely sir?" She asked. As she was super hesitant to even discuss about something to him.

"Granted, Commander. What's on your mind?" The man asked.

"Well sir. Is it weird that I might have a slight crush on um a member of the crew even though I just met them?" She asked.

The Captain raised an eyebrow. "I mean, it is rather quick since you just came aboard. As long as it doesn't affect normal shipboard operations or distract crew from duties I don't see why it would be an issue, and Starfleet doesn't have set rules. But there have only been a few officers that we've seen. If you don't mind me asking, Commander, who is it?"

"My assistant." She said.

"Lieutenant Rolek'klaz? I thought you just beamed aboard?" He asked, slightly confused.

"Yes sir. I know it's weird. But I feel like that there is a complete connection between us sir." She said.

James thought for a moment. In many commands relationships with COs and subordinates were many times frowned upon. But then again, James was in a relationship with his Chief Science Officer, and there were other officers in this situation. One example was Captain William Riker and Deanna Troi. Besides, as long as it didn't affect their judgment and the crew he didn't have an issue with it. "I understand. If you truly are wanting to pursue that, I'll allow it as long as it does not affect the crew and your judgment. In fairness it would be unfair if I said no for an invalid reason anyway" he chuckled, referencing his relationship with Ash.

"Yes sir. I do want to pursue it. I really do sir. I just feel like maybe he and I should be together." She said.

“I appreciate that and I am glad you asked. Some Commanders would be more hesitant for something like this” he said. “Regardless, I wish you good luck with that endeavor.”

James looked around the room before moving over to the replicator and ordering a coffee in a travel mug. He looked at Sernia. “Care for a drink?”

"Yes sir. And after that, we must finish that tour sir." She said.

“Yes we must. I believe we just have Main Engineering because of the core. I always make sure to show the drive off. Unless there is anything else you would like to see besides the warp core of course” he began as he indicated to the replicator. “What would you like to drink Commander?”

"What do we have?" She asked. Knowing that she wanted some alcohol beverage. "sir I'll take earl grey tea sir. Hot." She said with a smile.

“Coming right up” he tapped a few buttons and then the warm tea appeared in the replicator. James picked up the drink and brought it over to the 2XO.

"Thank you sir." She said.

“You’re welcome” he took a sip of his hot coffee and motioned towards the door. “Shall we continue the tour Commander?”

"Yes sir." She said.

“Very well” he started towards the ready room door and looked back. “Right this way Commander” James said before exiting the room and towards the turbolift at the rear of the bridge.

"Thank you captain." As she walked out of the ready room and goes to the bridge that goes to the turbolift. "after you captain." She said.

He gave a simple nod to thank her and entered the lift in front of her. Seeing the Commander enter the lift he called out. “Main Engineering”

"Sir I'm glad I'm on board. I knew you could ask someone like me to be on board. I will be your best officer on board." She said as the turbolift started to move.

He turned to look at her. "We are glad to have you Commander" he began. "Just don't say that in front of the other officers. They might get competitive" he quipped, clearly joking.

"Jokes aside, I'm sure you will make a fine addition to the crew" James added.

"Yes sir. I know I will." She said.

James simply nodded as the lift reached its destination, next to Main Engineering. The doors opened before the Captain stepped out and looked back at Sernia. Ready for one of the best parts? At least for engineers?" he chuckled at his own joke.

"Yes sir."

"If you'd follow me Commander?" he asked before beginning towards the main door to Main Engineering which was only a few steps away.

"Yes captain." Follows him to main Engineering.

As the two officers entered Main Engineering through the main doors they found it to be very busy. Not wanting to bother any of the engineering staff, he motioned to the warp core, which had a blue glow to it as always. "She's a beaut isn't she?"

"She's more then that sir. She's absolutely gorgeous." She said.

"Damn straight" Phoenix agreed as he turned to look at the core. "Her maximum warp speed is warp 9.89. In emergencies if we aren't using the quantum slipstream drive her emergency speed is warp 9.998. She's a goddamn speed demon" he smiled. "And of course her slipstream velocities are a whole other ball game."

"Now that's hot sir." She said.

"That it is" he agreed, implying the Horizon's speed. He turned to look at Sernia. "Because of our slipstream drive we are sometimes considered fast responders if we are close enough to some situations even if our primary role is exploration. I trust that you and your department will be up to the task?" James already knew the answer he just wanted to be sure.

"Yes sir. My department will be up to the task. I'll train up my department for whatever comes." She said.

James smiled. "I'm glad to hear that Commander" he looked around and then focused back on his Chief of Security. "Is there anything else on the ship that you'd like to see?"

"No sir. Not that I know of. Other then the mess hall." She said.

James thought for a moment. "I do need to get back to the bridge soon. I could show you on my way if you'd like?"

"Yes sir. We can do that sir. " she said.

"Very well" he said before indicating towards the door. "In that case, after you Commander."

"Yes sir." She said as she walked out of the engine room.

The Captain followed her out and towards the mess hall. After that he had a plentiful amount of reports to get back to.


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